Do you know someone who is passionate about helping scientists effectively share the benefits and impact of their work to diverse audiences? Becker Library’s Center for Health and Science Communication is expanding its capacity to further enhance its services around science communication and is actively seeking candidates for its new position.
Category: News and announcements
Research or medical glossaries help simplify language, better communicate your work
A recommended first step toward using a common language is to avoid jargon and explain unfamiliar terms. Research and medical glossaries are great resources to simplify and explain common terms related to your work. Here are a few to get you started.
Key takeaways from #SciComm Week
Becker Library recently hosted its first #SciComm Week to launch its new Center for Health and Science Communication. Three exceptional science communicators shared their expertise for the series. Here are a few highlights from the presentations. Transforming Slide Design Melissa Marshall, Founder of Present Your Science, kicked off the week by sharing the assertion-evidence slide design […]
Becker launches Center for Health and Science Communication
Becker Library and the Office of Health Information and Data Science are pleased to announce the launch of the Center for Health and Science Communication in order to support the campus community in these increasingly essential competencies. The new center was created in collaboration with the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Medical Education, Office […]