In our next session, hosted in partnership with the Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences’ Science Communication Credential, we will continue exploring the latest advances in science communication research, current trends in scientific output, and the challenges researchers encounter when disseminating their work.
The group will consider the diverse outcomes and impacts of ‘neighborly,’ ‘problem-solving,’ and ‘brokering’ approaches to community-oriented science communication as discussed in Reorienting Science Communication Towards Communities. Hannah Pletcher (Biochemistry & Molecular Biophysics) will lead the discussion.
Come together with people from different fields, professional avenues, and career stages—all with a shared interest in science communication, but each with their unique perspective.
Reading is suggested but not required to attend. Refreshments will be served.
This event is open to all and hosted by the Center for Health and Science Communication at Becker Library and the Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences’ Science Communication Credential. Contact Monica Sala-Rabanal at msala@wustl.edu with any questions.